Thursday, November 7, 2019

A familiar voice shares other " Voices of Oklahoma"

Some 40 years ago or so, while living in Jenks "America" just outside Tulsa, Oklahoma, we were frequent listeners to local radio stations.  This, of course, was when stations still usually identified themselves with call letters and frequencies.

KWGS, a public radio station serving the Tulsa area was a favorite, along with KVOO, the AM station that I believe had long-since abandoned their location " the PhilTower."  Our favorite, though, was KRMG, largely because of the witty antics of "Erling in the Morning."  Like most folks, we knew John Erling only "through the radio."  For those of us driving to work, morning commutes with Erling were informative and fun.......and seemingly shorter.

Although his KRMG career has long since ended, Erling has taken on a new gig, and one for which he is particularly well suited.  "Voices of Oklahoma" is a great project.  For those of us who were "Cowboys" for only a few years (with apologies to "Sooner" fans) this audio series is a great way to re-connect with our enjoyable years in Oklahoma. 

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